Hi everyone,
I just wanted to let my great customers know what are my opening hours are over the 2010 xmas holidays. Foremost I truly wish to THANK YOU for continuing to use my dog grooming
service througout 2010. I am truly grateful and I hope we meet all of your expectations in the care of your dog. I have loved every minute!

We have been booked out through most of Xmas. We are open each day 8.30am to 4.30pm. We do pre-book appointments from 8.30am to 1.30pm on normal days.
If your beautiful pet dog is to stay with us awhile, please let us know when you are making the appointment. As some dogs are real barkers unfortunately we cannot keep them in for a long stay as much as I would love to!
Again thank you so much for your continued support for Lucy’s Dog Grooming